Thursday, September 4, 2008


Our Publisher's Weekly review is here. (In the mystery section, a little over halfway down the page.) I guess PW giveth but taketh away, too. The review starts out good, but ends saying that some parts of our book act like a rain delay in the middle of a Sox-Yanks game. And they don't even mention the fact that a blog runs through the whole book!

Anyway, I guess it's good that they start with the good--if I know people, they only read the first sentence of anything before they go and check their myspace or whatever.

And by the way--I love rain delays! I'm like Brer Rabbit to that reviewer: I was born in a rain delay. If you can't find the beauty in this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

...then you've got problems.

[all photos by me]

[Also note PW shows an October 29th pub date--I still don't know the exact date, but it should be earlier than that. Stay tuned.]

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